planning-development-departSince 2013, Council Member Green has advocated for District K residential communities that lack minimum lot size coverage within their respective deed restrictions to contact the Planning Dept. The City of Houston has new tools which might be available to help protect and preserve your neighborhood’s character. This ordinance goes into full-effect next month – May 2015.

Revisions to Chapter 42 two years ago extended the minimum lot size and minimum building line requirements to neighborhoods within the corporate boundaries of the City of Houston that do not have a minimum lot size or minimum building lines established in their deed restrictions. The applications and information about this development tool can be found online at

Below is the initial process for the Special Minimum Lot Size and Minimum Building Line Application:

Step 1: Meet with Staff of the Planning and Development Department
Step 2: Submit a Complete Application
Step 3: Post Notification Signs
Step 4: Attend the public meeting
Step 5: Return your Response Form
Step 6: Attend the Houston Planning Commission Public Hearing (optional)
Step 7: Attend the Council Meeting (optional)

If you feel your neighborhood’s current deed restrictions lack this provision, schedule an appointment with Kevin Calfee to start the process at 832-393-6529 or [email protected].