citysealAttached is the Transportation, Technology, and Infrastructure (TTI) Council Committee agenda – scheduled for Monday, April 16 at 9:30 a.m., City Hall Council Chambers (901 Bagby St., 2nd Floor).

  1. Welcome Remarks – Council Member David W. Robinson, Chair
  2. Municipal Setting Designation – Felix Center on Kirby, Ltd./Kirby Center Partners, LLC (5829 Kirby Drive)
    • Mark Wooten, Program Coordinator, Houston Public Works
  3. Municipal Setting Designation – Bingle Storage, LP (1508 Bingle Rd.)
    • Mark Wooten, Program Coordinator, Houston Public Works
  4. Northeast Water Purification Plant Update
    • Ravi Kaleyatodi, Project Director, NEWPP Expansion, Houston Public Works
  5. Revisions to the 2017 National Electrical Code
    • Chris Butler, Deputy Director, Houston Permitting Center
  6. HP Update
    • Lisa Kent, Chief Information Officer, Houston Information Technology Services
  7. PS Lightwave Update
    • Lisa Kent, Chief Information Officer, Houston Information Technology Services
  8. On-Street Car-Share Program
    • Maria Irshad, Assistant Director, Administration and Regulatory Affairs Department
  9. Amherst Parking Easement
    • Maria Irshad, Assistant Director, Administration and Regulatory Affairs Department
  10. Public Comments

Download the TTI Agenda