westbury01Last month, Houston played host to the national organization, Neighborhoods USA (NUSA) where 1,000 community leaders from across the country and within the Houston region converged into the Hyatt Regency-Downtown to learn techniques to better equip their respective communities as part of NUSA’s 40th annual conference.

As part of the NUSA conference, the Westbury Civic Club submitted an entry for the Neighborhood of the Year Award. The Neighborhood of the Year Award recognizes exceptional accomplishments by neighborhood organizations. Awards are given in three categories and the Westbury Civic Club won First Place in the category of “Physical Revitalization/Beautification in a Single Neighborhood”. The project that won the award for the Westbury Civic Club was “Saving the Westbury Community Garden and Creating Seven Acres of Park Space”.

Members of the Westbury Civic Club attended the conference and shared in the celebration of this deserving award and recognition. “We share this First Place award with so many of our Westbury residents! Every person who supported the garden by signing our petition, writing letters, donating money, leading tours, providing education outreach and continuing to garden through the uncertainty shares in this award. I could literally thank probably 2,000 people who have contributed in some way to the garden. Thank you, each and every one of you, for your part in making the Westbury Community Garden what it is today,” states Becky Edmondson, Westbury Civic Club President.

westbury02“I’m pleased to boast that one of Houston’s own received this recognition. It is great to know that the Neighborhood of the Year Award went to a District K neighborhood,” states Council Member Green. “I also want to personally acknowledge the Westbury Civic Club for winning Second Place for Newsletter of the Year, and for hosting a successful Neighborhood Pride Tour as a participant of the NUSA conference.”