Greetings District K Neighbors,

I hope 2020 is off to a great start for you, your family and friends. As I move into my first full four year term, look for some exciting new programs and activities throughout our district.

After reviewing our meeting activity over the last 20 months and listening to your feedback, I have decided to discontinue the monthly Bridging the Divide meetings in Fort Bend and Hiram Clarke. These meetings were initiated by CM Green in order to gain knowledge of “untapped resources” within the Houston community. The meeting was a round table discussion to network and share resources among organizations. It was a great way to kick off our new district and build synergy within the community. However, over time, the meetings have become more neighborhood focused and I have heard from many residents that they are unable to attend these meetings during daily work hours.

I have enjoyed meeting monthly with each of you who consistently attended the meetings and hope to see you as we roll out our new programs. Our District K Team is working on a comprehensive community calendar to include every civic club and HOA meeting date, time and location. We want to be with you as you discuss your most pressing neighborhood concerns and celebrate the successes in your communities at your monthly meetings.

In addition to our team being at your neighborhood civic club and HOA meetings, I am starting a district wide President Council. MPAC (Martha’s President Advisory Council) will include each civic club and HOA president in our district. This will foster interaction with the leadership of every participating neighborhood in our district as well as allow us to glean best practices that can be replicated throughout the community. Look for more information on MPAC soon.

I am excited about the direction our district is headed. Our HOT Team is doing an amazing job. In the short period of time they have been working in the district, we have already captured the attention of Keep Houston Beautiful and were awarded the Community Champion Award at the Mayor’s Proud Partner Breakfast last quarter. We have also ignited the conversation about illegal dumping throughout the entire city. Crime Stoppers and several other organizations are partnering with us as we continue working towards a #CleanStateofMind for every Houstonian. Kudos to Melvin Hopkins and his leadership in the district with our HOT Team.

Finally, I want to say thank you again for your support. I can’t say it enough, how honored I am to represent this amazing district and city. After the inauguration on January 2nd, during our council meeting, I was unanimously elected by Mayor Turner and my city council colleagues to serve as Vice Mayor Pro-Tem of the City of Houston. So much can happen in 20 months! Let’s keep working together to make District K the absolute best community in our city. In the words of the great Maya Angelou, “I do my best because I’m counting on you, counting on me.”


Vice Mayor Pro-Tem
Martha Castex-Tatum