city of houston department of Planning and DevelopmentCouncil Member Green facilitated two (2) District-wide community meetings so staff from the Planning and Development Department (“Planning”) could better inform civic leaders about recent amendments to Chapter 42 of the City of Houston Code of Ordinances and offer new tools to help protect and preserve your neighborhoods.

Revisions to Chapter 42 extend the minimum lot size and minimum building line requirements to neighborhoods within the corporate boundaries of the City of Houston that do not have a minimum lot size or minimum building lines established in their deed restrictions.

Many District K communities submitted copies of their deed restrictions to the District K office for review. After a brief cursory review of the restrictions submitted, we believe many District K neighborhoods might benefit from the added protections set forth in Chapter 42. The District K office strongly encourages the neighborhoods that don’t have any specific language addressing the minimum lot size or re-subdivision of lots as written within their submitted deed restrictions OR the language addressing lot size or re-subdivision of lots is very vague to apply for this Special Minimum Lot Size application.

For those neighborhoods thought to already have language in their restrictions addressing the minimum lot size and/or minimum building line requirements, we strongly encourage you to consult with a private attorney to ensure your restrictions are valid in all respects and provide the protections set forth therein. It’s important to understand the District K office simply reviewed your restrictions for the pertinent language and is making no assurances or representations regarding the actual validity of your deed restrictions. 

The applications and information about this development tool can be found online.

When you make your appointment with Planning, please bring a copy of your most recent deed restrictions. Below is the initial process for the Special Minimum Lot Size and Minimum Building Line Application:
Step 1: Meet with Staff of the Planning and Development Department
Step 2: Submit a Complete Application
Step 3: Post Notification Signs
Step 4: Attend the public meeting
Step 5: Return your Response Form
Step 6: Attend the Houston Planning Commission Public Hearing (optional)
Step 7: Attend the Council Meeting (optional)

Please contact the District K office if you have any questions about your submitted deed restrictions. Contact Kevin Calfee with the Planning and Development Dept. at 713-837-7768 to make an appointment.