Education Seminar

Rainwater to Drinking Water 2014

Wednesday, July 23, 2014
6 p.m. – 8 p.m.
at the Green Building Resource Center
1002 Washington Avenue
Houston 77002

In partnership with the Texas Gulf Coast Chapter of the U.S. Green Building Council

What does it take to collect rainwater in Houston and be able to drink it safely and legally?

Mark Illian will lead a presentation on the design and construction considerations implemented in the first three residential rainwater to drinking water projects installed here in Houston under the new Appendix R Potable Rainwater Catchment System of the plumbing code.

Al McDonald will discuss filtration safeguards required to ensure safety and potability.

Amanda Tullos will talk about applications to the US Green Building Council’s LEED Rating System.

John Jordan will discuss regulatory issues and inspection concerns that regarding the City of Houston permitting processes.

Register online or call 832-394-9050 prior to the event. Visit for more details and a map.

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