Annual Capital Improvement Plan Townhall

Annual District K
Capital Improvement Plan Townhall

Wednesday, March 20th
6:00pm – 8:00pm

(pre-meeting break out 6:00pm- 6:30pm)

Fountain Life Center
14083 Main St. Houston (77035)

Mayor Sylvester Turner and various City of Houston Departmental Leaders will share projects that will take place during Fiscal Year 2020 (July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020).

Divisions of Public Works will be on site before the meeting to conduct a pre-meeting break out. This is the time to inquire about any particular street and drainage infrastructure concerns impacting your neighborhood.

We are looking forward to seeing you there!

Hire Houston Youth – Summer Jobs Program

2019 Contractors’ College

What’s on the Agenda?

Council Approves Funding for 2019 Hire Houston Youth

Last week City Council approved a funding for the 2019 Hire Houston Youth Summer Jobs program. The application is currently available through March 23, 2019. All Houston youth that meet the residency and age eligibility requirements are encouraged to apply. Please keep the District K office updated if youth in your family or neighborhood participate in the summer jobs program.

Have you ever wondered what topics are covered during the weekly City Council meetings? Houstonians can view the agenda for the various committee meetings, as well as the City Council meeting each week by accessing this link. Be sure to tune in to HTV on Tuesdays at 2:00 p.m. for public session, and Wednesdays at 9:00 a.m. for the weekly city council meetings.

March 2019 Neighborhood 101

Effective Reporting, 311 and More

Thank you to everyone that attended the second Neighborhood 101 workshop in our
Engage, Learn, Lead series this past Saturday,
March 9, 2019.

We received presentations from City of Houston Attorney, Yolanda Woods regarding reporting and tracking deed restriction violations with the City of Houston Legal Department. Isaiah Monroe, from the Administration and Regulatory Affairs 311- Houston Division taught us how to effectively report and track City of Houston matters using the 311 – app for smart phones.

If you were not able to attend the meeting but would like to review the content at one of your Civic or HOA meetings, please contact the office and we will provide you the link to the HTV recording. All workshop in this series will be recorded for groups that choose to review the information at a later date.

2019 Neighborhood 101 Tentative Schedule

Please join the District K office as we continue our bimonthly Neighborhood 101 ENGAGE. LEARN. LEAD series for 2019. We are working to ensure every neighborhood in the district is equipped with tools for success. We especially encourage neighbors who reside in areas that do not have an established or active civic association to attend these meetings.

Below are the tentative dates for the duration of 2019. The meeting topics, speakers, and locations will be shared prior to the meeting.

***Thursday, March 21, 2019***
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Saturday. September 14, 2019
Saturday, November 9, 2019

If you have topics that you would like to know more about, please email our office and we will work to implement your suggestions into our future 101 meetings.