Greetings and happy holidays to you and yours! Year three on city council is in the books, and it’s been an eventful one. Great to have way more face-to-face meetings, events, and gatherings as we come out of the pandemic. Local government is a people business, so it sure feels great to be out with real, live people in person. Something I’ll never take for granted again.
Hopefully, you will take a few minutes to read through this report to learn more about what’s happening at City Hall and how my team and I are working for you. I am accountable to you, and I think it’s important you know about the work I do on your behalf. Public safety, infrastructure, quality of life, economic growth, and fiscal responsibility continue to be my priorities, and good governance is my guiding tenet.
As always, let me hear from you. I love getting your comments and feedback (and even your complaints)!
It’s an honor and a privilege to represent you.

Read the full report here.