westburyWestbury has once again won award after award at this year’s Mayor’s Proud Partners Luncheon. This annual event is sponsored by Keep Houston Beautiful to acknowledge and recognize organizations and individuals across the Houston area who strive to improve Houston’s landscape through environmental and beautification projects.

The Westbury Civic Club as well as individuals within Westbury has been honored by the Mayor’s Proud Partners event since 1994. As of this date, Westbury area volunteers and organizations have won awards in eight of the last 10 years. According to the Westbury Crier, “This year is the 35th anniversary of Keep Houston Beautiful and is also a banner year for Westbury projects.”

This year’s Westbury recognition projects and individual include:
The Prairie Plant Rescue Project at Willow Waterhole — Mayor’s Proud Partner Award
Marcia Hartman — Certificate of Recognition. Marcia is the President of the Westbury Community Garden
Keep Westbury Beautiful Day at Hager Park — Certificate of Recognition. Westbury participated in the Keep District K Beautiful Day event in April 2014
The Friends of Chimney Rock Park — Certificate of Recognition.

District K Office also received a certificate of recognition award for its “Keep District K Beautiful Day” event.