

The Houston region’s two leading Quality of Life organizations, Houston Tomorrow and BetterHouston, have joined forces and are now operating under the banner of Houston Tomorrow! With this consolidation, the city and region now have an even more powerful advocate for quality of life and quality of place. We will work every day for more equitable, meaningful planning, expanded rail and bus transit service, and a more attractive, walkable, and sustainable environment.

The mission of the formerly independent organizations remains the same as always: to improve the quality of life for all the people of the Houston region. Our vision is that the Houston region on its 200th birthday – 2036 – will be home to the healthiest, happiest, most prosperous people in the United States.

David Crossley will continue as the President of Houston Tomorrow and the Hon. Peter H. Brown, FAIA, will serve as Senior Fellow for Urban Design for Houston Tomorrow. In addition, three of BetterHouston’s board members – Frank Liu, Susan Bono, and David Hawes – will join Houston Tomorrow’s Board of Directors.

“With this consolidation, the city and region now have an even more powerful advocate for quality of life, quality of place, effective planning, rail and bus transit, and a more attractive, walkable, and sustainable future.”
– Peter H. Brown
Director of BetterHouston

“Our mission of improving the quality of life of all the people in the Houston region will be greatly enhanced by gaining the skills and resources of BetterHouston Director Peter Brown and his staff.”
– David Crossley
President of Houston Tomorrow