The longtime “open secret” about public safety in the 5 Corners Improvement District is that it’s safer than many outsiders might have thought.

The trend continues, with the Houston Police Department today (Feb. 12) reporting double-digit declines in overall violent and non-violent crime in January 2024 compared to January 2023.

Citywide, reported crime continues to fall since the COVID pandemic. But the latest numbers indicate the continuing decline is steeper in 5 Corners compared to the numbers for all of Houston.

Robbery and vehicle burglaries fell the most dramatically in the District in the month-to-month statistics.

The District continues to work closely with HPD on public safety initiatives while funding patrols by private security officers and security cameras at hotspots such as illegal dumping sites.

Check the “Upcoming Events” section of this website for the monthly public meeting schedules for the District board and its Public Safety Committee to learn more.