District K Residents,

How are you? I hope that you have each had an opportunity to rest and find a few rainbows in what seems like a dark cloud in our city, state and country. Today the “Stay Home-Work Safe” order issued by Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo and Mayor Sylvester Turner has been extended to April 30, 2020, to further contain the spread of COVID-19 in our area. The Governor has also issued and executive order extension for schools in Texas to remain closed until May 4th. We must maintain an aggressive social distancing plan in order to reach the peak of this healthcare crisis.

We are in a historic moment in time and there is a great deal of uncertainty about the short and long term economic effects of this pandemic. History has shown that we can overcome this economically, however we will not be able to bring back our loved ones that may perish during this health crisis. I realize this pandemic has taken us out of our comfort zones and regular routines but the only way we can return to our daily lives is to get this health crisis under control.

Today the Houston Health Department is reporting 377 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Houston. We fully expect that number to rise as we continue to test more residents. We have unfortunately also lost 4 Houstonians to this virus to date.

Tomorrow our second testing site in the city of Houston will open at Delmar Stadium. Testing is still happening at Butler Stadium each day. Each site is open to test up to 250 residents per day. If you are experiencing symptoms please call 832-393-4220 to start your assessment process for testing from 9 am to 7 pm, Monday-Friday and 9 am to 3 pm on Saturdays.

The extension of the order requires everyone to remain at home unless you are conducting essential business such as grocery shopping, going to the pharmacy, picking up food or going to work at businesses that are deemed essential. Again, essential businesses like gas stations, grocery stores and pharmacies will remain open. Restaurants can continue to offer take out and provide delivery services. Daycare facilities that provide support for essential employees can remain open as well.

The District K staff will continue working, however we will serve constituents remotely, with limited time being spent at the City Hall Annex. If you have constituent concerns, continue to call 311 and get your sr # and report to our office. The District K email and phone line will be checked each day and we are still here to serve you.

While at home, don’t forget to fill our your Census 2020 form. We surely can’t risk an under count this year. During the 2010 Census 77% of households in District K responded, which was above average for Houston (76%) and below average for the US (79%). In 2020, the statisticians expect only 75% of District K households to respond. Let’s prove them wrong. Help us strive for 100% participation. Say YES to the Census 2020.

Stay encouraged, eat well, sleep well, get some exercise and watch out for each other. COVID-19 will not break our community spirit. In spite of it all, we still have so much to be grateful for. This too shall pass!
