5cmd-2014-jan-biz-mixer-webOn January 14 the Five Corners District hosted their first Business Mixer of 2015. Chairman Clark shared District accomplishments for 2014 and attendees watched a District Services video which highlighted the year in review.

The District newsletter and other marketing materials were also distributed. Chairman Clark noted that the marketing materials contained information on how businesses can connect with the District via Facebook and Twitter as well as meeting times and places for the board of directors and committee meetings.

The Chairman also encouraged businesses to share any news related to their businesses (events, sales, discounts, news) or other information on community projects that they may be working on noting that we’d be happy to help attendees spread the word about their business endeavors!

Chairman Clark thanked everyone for attending the mixer and stated that he looked forward to seeing them and their friends at our next mixer.

5 Corners DISTRICT Services VIDEO PREVIEW from ev1pro.com on Vimeo.