COVID Economic Injury Disaster Loan Overview
Wednesday, October 13 | 11:30am CDT | JOIN LIVE
Tuesday, October 19 | 2:00pm CDT | JOIN LIVE
Learn the basics of the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL), updates that have been made to the program, how to apply, steps for reconsideration & loan increases, and who is eligible for a targeted advance grant.
Program Ends December 31, 2021.
SBA Weekly Webinars
Tuesday, October 12 | 3:30pm CDT | REGISTER
The SBA selects timely topics to assist you with improving your business operations, increasing your bottom line and inform you about small business resources. Hear about these Weekly Webinars for details on the subject and how to register.
Greentown Houston’s Member Resources Fair
(In Person at 4200 San Jacinto Street)
Wednesday, October 13 | 12:00pm CDT | REGISTER
This fair will connect the Houston startup community with the resources, tools, and services to further educate entrepreneurs on what is available to them throughout the innovation ecosystem.
Q&A with SBA:
Get Your Questions Answered
Wednesday, October 13 | 3:30pm CDT | REGISTER
Join an SBA representative in this open forum to get your small business questions answered!
Meet the Lender
Thursday, October 14 | 10:00am CDT | REGISTER
Are you READY to pursue financing to start or grow your business? Meet 3 SBA approved lending representatives in small break-out sessions. Attendees should be READY to talk to a lender (have a business plan/financials, etc.). Lenders will also discuss how they make loan decisions, and steps you can take to mitigate challenges to accessing capital. This virtual event will provide a stepping-stone to building a business banking relationship.
Celebración del mes de la
Herencia Hispana de Costa a Costa
(Con SBA Houston, SBA Massachusetts,
SBA New Mexico, y SBA San Antonio)
Jueves 14 de octubre | 2:00pm CDT | REGISTRO
¡Únase a nosotros mientras celebramos a los empresarios Hispanos de todo Estados Unidos! Escuche sus luchas y éxitos mientras inspiran a otros Latinos y empresarios de negocios. Este evento brindará información sobre los recursos de la SBA, incluida la asesoría gratuita, el acceso a préstamos y la contratación federal.
Cumbre Empresarial Hispana
(Con HCC, Baker Ripley, Impact Hub Houston)
Viernes 15 de octubre | 11:00am CDT | REGISTRO
Celebra con nosotros el cierre del mes de la Herencia Hispana aprendiendo sobre acceso a capital para pequeños negocios, escuchando una gran historia de éxito local y el poder de los Latinos en los Estados Unidos!
Friday Chat with SBA
Friday, October 15 | 3:30pm CDT | REGISTER
Find out about the tools and support services available to help businesses contract with the Federal government. Explore the tools businesses can use to search for federal government contract opportunities and learn about the support services available.
October is Manufacturing Month!
Looking to grow your business and increase profits by selling globally? Join the SBA, U.S. Census, U.S. Commercial Services, ExIm Bank, and MAP National Network throughout October to hear insights from exporting and manufacturing experts. This month-long Manufacturing webinar series starts on September 30th and continues every Thursday in October.

Women in Power:
SBA Resources for Women-Owned Businesses
(in collaboration with the Greater Southeast Management District)
Thursday, October 21 | 10:00am CDT | REGISTER
Throughout this webinar, hear from two curated panels of local Houston women. One panel will include the Women’s Business Center experts who will share ways to launch and scale your business. The second panel will provide a first-hand look insight into some of the challenges and opportunities for women-owned businesses to leverage SBA resources to pivot and prosper. Each session will include a Q&A portion.
Help for Your LGBTQ+ Small Business:
SBA Programs & LGBTE Certification
Thursday, October 21 | 10:00am CDT | REGISTER
Attend this virtual event to understand the free programs and services available from the SBA and its resource partners, growing your businesses with the NGLCC LGBT Business Enterprise® (LGBTBE) certification, and hear firsthand from small business owners who have benefited from SBA programs and the LGBTBE® Certification.
Small Business Export Workshop
(Houston/South Florida District Office Joint Event)
Wednesday, October 27 | 10:00am CDT | REGISTER
Want to start exporting your products or services globally? Join the SBA Houston and South Florida District Offices to hear from export experts about various related export topics. SBA has made it a priority to help small business exporters with several export loans specifically designed to expand into export activities.
Highlighting Women in STEAM
(in collaboration with the GHWCC Women’s Business Center)
Monday, November 8 | 12:00pm CDT | REGISTER
This webinar will provide a firsthand panel discussion with women in STEAM and a presentation by SBA Deputy District Director Mark Winchester regarding the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and the Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs available to small firms who want to undertake scientific research that helps meet federal research and development objectives.
Boots to Business Reboot
Wednesday, November 10 | 8:00am-4:00pm CDT | REGISTER
B2BR is a one-day entrepreneurial education and training program offered by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) as part of the Department of Defense Transition Assistance Program (TAP). The course provides an overview of entrepreneurship and applicable business ownership fundamentals. Active Duty Service members (including National Guard and Reserve), Veterans of all eras, and spouses are eligible to participate at no cost.
Speaking with Impact
(In Person at Houston Center SBDC)
Tuesday, October 12 | 9:30am CDT | REGISTER
DIY Video Engagement Tactics that Work
Tuesday, October 12 | 12:00pm CDT | REGISTER
Formation Lab:
Limited Liability Company
Friday, October 15 | 10:00am CDT | REGISTER
10 Steps to Building an Iconic Brand
Monday, October 18 | 12:00pm CDT | REGISTER
How to Do Business with
the State of Texas
Tuesday, October 12 | 12:00pm CDT | REGISTER
Want to learn more about SBA Programs & Services?
Download the SBA Houston Resource Guide HERE
Questions? Please contact [email protected]