On September 26, the TPC authorized staff to issue the 2015 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Call for Projects. The proposed Call will be used to program funds available in the 2015-2018 TIP and extend limited funding commitments beyond the TIP timeframe into the later 5 years of TxDOT’s ten-year Unified Transportation Program (UTP). Criteria for the evaluation of candidate projects has been updated and aligned with the goals of the 2040 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP). For application workshop registration details and more information on the 2015 TIP Call for Projects, click HERE.

Based on recommendations from the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) the TPC approved an approach for the staged development of the 2040 Regional Transportation Plan and air quality conformity documentation. The RTP must be updated every 4 years, which includes a new air quality analysis. The staged approach takes into account the current TIP call for projects, possible voter approval of Texas Proposition 1 and the time required for public comment. An initial constrained plan to current financial resources will be completed by the end of 2014. A second stage would take place in early 2015 to incorporate new financial data, and the completed TIP Call for Projects. For more information about the 2040 RTP click HERE.

Approval was also given to transmit comments on Notice of Proposed Rulemaking regarding CMAQ funding and Metropolitan Transportation Planning.

The TPC agenda with audio is available HERE.