Welcome to the Knox Report – October 2022


Upcoming Events


Early Voting

Early Voting.

Please exercise your constitutional right to vote. Early voting begins Monday, October 24 and ends Friday, November 4. You can also vote election day, Tuesday, November 8.

Harris County Vote

National Night Out

It’s time to gather with our neighbors, friends, and local law enforcement. This year, National Night Out, a community-police awareness event, will be held on October 4, 2022. This occasion is a great opportunity for the community and law enforcement to come together and lay the groundwork for building a stronger partnership. 

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Hispanic Heritage Month

Hispanic Heritage Month Events

Houston Public Media


Jensen Jubilee

It was an honor to present Houston Zoo passes to an active member of the Houston community, Pastor David Smith. Pastor Smith distributed the Houston Zoo passes to members of the New Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church and Houston Northeast Community Development Corporation

Pastor Smith and I discussed his annual event, the Jensen Jubilee Fall Festival to which I’m sponsoring the trackless train for the kids to ride. I hope to attend the family-friendly Jensen Jubilee scheduled for Saturday, October 15,

10:00 am – 2:00 pm.

Click the “Jensen Jubilee” link above for more details.


Happy Halloween

HPD Halloween Safety

Never to be Forgotten

We honor the memories of those service members who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our country.

Thank you to those dedicated men and women who have kept America the land of the free. May we never forget.


September Events


Hispanic Heritage Month

It’s Hispanic Heritage Month, and I had the honor to recognize the successes of the Hispanic Heritage Awards Honorees.

Hispanic Heritage Honorees

*Art in the Community

Jose Longoria

*Community Activist

Sandra Rodriguez

*Education in the Community

Dr. Adriana Tamez


Dr. Flor Munoz/Dr. Maria Bottazzi

*Youth Activist

Aylin Rodriguez

*Lifetime Achievement

Adan Medrano/Christian Navarro


Back to School

Our Back 2 School backpack distribution continued into September! My staff and I delivered backpacks to Simply H.E.R., Northeast CDC, Arise Baptist Church, Light of the World Church, Kingdom Builders Cathedral, Pleasantville Civic League, and Ms. Georgia Provost.

I want to thank our community leaders for their outreach efforts to make sure these backpacks get to those in need.

National Day of Remembrance for Murder Victims  


The annual National Day of Remembrance for Murder Victims, held on September 25th,  paid tribute and honored murder victims and their surviving family members. Crime victims and survivors gathered at events across the country to commemorate this Day of Remembrance.

The purpose of this event was to focus on the impact of murder on families and communities, and ways to support and serve survivors.

Vietnam Fallen Warriors Monument Groundbreaking

Vietnam Fallen Warriors Monument

I am proud to recognize the dedication and hard work of the Vietnam Combat Veterans Association of Houston who hosted the Vietnam Fallen Warriors Monument groundbreaking held at the Veterans Memorial Park.

The park and monument is a collaboration between the City of Houston and Harris County. On Thursday, September 8, we broke ground on a monument commemorating the 460 men and women from the Houston area who gave the ultimate sacrifice in Vietnam.


UH 9-11 Memorial Commemoration

I had the privilege of joining the University of Houston Young Conservatives of Texas on September 11 to honor that day in American history we will never forget.

City Deed Restrictions Enforcements

                   Click for the full PowerPoint Presentation

On September 13, the Council Regulatory and Neighborhood Affairs Committee held an informational public hearing regarding deed restrictions. For your information, included above is the PowerPoint presented at the hearing. Since Houston does not have zoning, many residents are not sure what the city can or cannot do in enforcing deed restrictions. I would encourage you to review the presentation and share with your neighbors. In addition, the city’s Neighborhood Services Section of the Deed Restriction Enforcement Team is available to make a presentation to your Superneighborhood, HOA, or Civic Club. Their contact information is available in the PowerPoint. As always, I welcome any input you may have on this or any other matter.

Report City Concerns to 3-1-1

The best way to address an issue is to always report it to 311 first and receive a service request number. 311 is the City of Houston’s non-emergency department directory and self-service city request line. The 311 website allows the citizens of Houston to access information, request city services and report problems at anytime of the day or night.

Remember to follow up with your District and/or At Large Council Office to ensure your concern doesn’t fall through the cracks.

To file an Online Service Request, you must provide the address of the corresponding location of which the service need or problem is being reported. In most cases, you must also provide a valid email address for follow up purposes.

You can access 311 services below:


or Call

Phone: 3-1-1 or 713.837.0311


September Council Highlights

September 7:

During the Mayor’s report at the beginning of today’s council session, Mayor Turner released the most current homicide data for the City of Houston as of September 5. He proudly proclaimed that Houston was not the most dangerous city in America, but in fact was the third most dangerous city in America. Houston (308) stands behind Chicago (465) and Philadelphia (373) in the number of homicides committed to date this calendar year.

Council approved final payment of $3.2 million for the Kress Street Drainage and Paving Improvements project. The project consists of 72-inch storm sewers, inlets, concrete pavement, curbs, and five-foot wide sidewalks with wheelchair ramps. The construction also involved water and wastewater lines adjustments to accommodate improvements. The project area is located in east Houston along Kress Street between Larimer and Clinton Drive.

Council approved spending $36.6 million to construct a 72-inch water line for a major drainage and street project along Kipling, Woodhead and Branard from Mt. Vernon to Greenbriar. This project consists of rehabilitation and replacement of water, sewer, storm sewer utilities, traffic signals replacement, roadway reconstruction, sidewalks, wheelchair ramps, and tree protection. The project is scheduled to be completed in early 2025.


September 14:

Council approved the creation of the Houston Music Advisory Board. The Board will be responsible for advising and making recommendations to the Mayor, Council, and the Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs to address issues, opportunities, and challenges to advance the local music community and provide recommendations for improvement. The Board will consist of nine members and three alternates. These members will be Houston residents who are active in the music industry and will serve a term of two years.

Council approved the purchase of 225 police vehicles of which 21 will be hybrid. This contract is part of an ongoing multi-year process to replace older city vehicles which have outlived their useful life and are beyond repair.

Council approved spending $5.4 million for the Permitting Center’s IT permitting and inspection system. The new system called HouPermits will be a workflow driven application providing a new customer portal, back-end comprehensive web-application and mobile application for Field Inspector use. This system is scheduled to go live in 2024.


September 28:

Council approved a ten-year $310 million project to develop the Buffalo Bayou East project. With funding from the City, County, Buffalo Bayou Partnership, and a generous $100 million gift from the Kinder Foundation, the east side of Buffalo Bayou from Jensen Drive to the Port of Houston Turning Basin will be transformed with parks, new area streets, and hike and bike trail trails.

Council approved funds to assess the feasibility of two possible sites to be used for flooding detention. These two sites are located in west Houston just east of Beltway 8. The federal government is supplementing the cost to perform this study. Once it is determined if one, or both, of these sites are viable options for detention locations, the City, in coordination with TIRZ 17, will take the next steps in working with the property owners to access/acquire these sites to build the detention.

Council approved a contract with WorkQuest Janitorial Services to provide janitorial work at Houston Public Works facilities. This contract is for five years at twelve smaller Public Works facilities that were not included in HPW’s full-service maintenance contract. WorkQuest is a state program that provides employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities.    

Council approved spending $3.8 million to reconstruct Windfern Road from Clay Road to Wingfoot Road. This street reconstruction also includes stormwater, fire hydrants and sidewalk improvements. This project, located in northwest Houston, is expected to begin in January 2023 and take approximately one year to complete.    

Council approved holding three public hearings to present and discuss the City’s upcoming bond propositions. The three hearings will be held: Wednesday, October 5 at 6:00pm; Wednesday, October 12 at 6:00pm; and Wednesday, October 19 at 9:00am. All of these public meetings will be held in the Houston City Council Chamber located at 901 Bagby, Houston, Texas, 77002. The public is encouraged to attend and make their voices heard.                           


Important Contact Information

(832) 393-3014
311 or (713) 837-0311
HPD Non-Emergency 
(713) 884-3131
(832) 393-0955
(832) 393-1100
City of Houston
P.O. Box 1562
Houston, TX 77251
311 or (713) 837-0311 

Mayor Sylvester Turner

City of Houston

P.O. Box 1562

Houston, TX 77251

311 or (713) 837-0311 

[email protected] 

Area Agency on Aging

(832) 393-4301

[email protected]


BARC Animal Control

311 or (713) 837-0311

[email protected]



(713) 521-4600

[email protected]


Mayor’s Office of Veteran’s Affairs

(832) 393-0992 

[email protected]


Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities

(832) 394-0814

[email protected]