Take Your Best Shot
If you fall into one of the categories below, you can join HHD’s waitlist to “Take Your Best Shot” against COVID-19:
- 50 and older,
- School and childcare workers,
- 16 and older with chronic health conditions,
- Frontline healthcare workers.
Registration is also available by phone by calling:
- Area Agency on Aging: 832-393-4301
- Aging & Disability Resource Center: 832-393-5500
- COVID-19 Call Center: 832-393-4220
Learn more at HoustonEmergency.org/covid19. |
Let’s talk vaccine
What’s real and what’s not when it comes to the COVID-19 vaccine? Join the conversation on March 20 at 6 p.m. and March 21 at 12 p.m in Mandarin-Chinese on Station 15.2 NTDTV. Tune in and get the facts. |
Houston teachers get the facts
Houston ISD teachers were invited to hear the real deal about COVID-19 vaccines from local health experts like City of Houston Chief Medical Officer Dr. David Persse and Kirsten Short, Chief of Epidemiology for the Houston Health Department. Watch the townhall. |
COVID-19 variant takes hold
The U.K. variant of the virus that causes COVID-19 was detected at most City of Houston wastewater treatment plants suggesting uncontrolled spread. Read more. |
Free Wi-Fi Access at Multi-Service Centers
The Wi-Fi hotspot sites are the result of a partnership between the City of Houston and Comcast to provide FREE internet connectivity in Houston Health Department Multi-Service Centers (“MSC”) and Houston Park Community Centers for the next three years. Learn more. |
Share our services
We offer dental services at our health centers and Magnolia multi-service center.
- Medicaid and CHIP
- New patients welcome!
- Adults and children
- Preventative and restorative services
- Experienced, caring, bilingual staff
Learn more. or call: 832-393-5427 |
Date tu Mejor Ventaja |
¿Me contagiaré el COVID-19 si me aplico la vacuna?
Dr. Zaida Loez, Epidemiologist, Houston Health Department, talks about COVID-19 vaccine safety. This is part of Take Your Best Shot, a multilingual public health education campaign empowering Houstonians with the knowledge and skills to protect their families and communities from COVID-19. Learn more: https://houstonemergency.org/covid19 |
Free + Fast + Safe COVID-19 testing
Getting tested for COVID-19 empowers you to protect your family. Houston Health Department-affiliated testing sites are FREE, waits are minimal, results average 2-4 days, and safety is top priority.
Visit HoustonEmergency.org/covid19 or call 832-393-4220 to find a nearby site. |
Share your COVID-19 experience
The COVID-19 Registry is a research study that provides real-time information to health departments on the spread of COVID-19, who is being affected, and how. Take the Survey |
Join our mailing list
Register for Houston HealthScope to receive COVID-19 updates from the Houston Health Department. Sign Up |