Alma_AllenDATE: July 28, 2015
TIME: 6:30 P. M. to 9:00 P. M.
WHERE: Houston Community College, South Campus, 1990 Airport Blvd.
WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Concerned Citizens, Civic Clubs, Super Neighborhoods, Churches, Elected Officials, Business Owners

Concrete Pros Ready Mix Inc. has filed an application with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), to construct a concrete batch plant, to be located approximately one quarter of a mile west of the intersection of Cullen Blvd. and Swingle Road. TCEQ will send staff to the meeting, in order to make a record of community feedback. At the meeting, we will discuss the concerns of our community regarding possible air pollution caused by the construction, and operations of the plant. The community is encouraged to attend the meeting and voice their concerns. Please invite others to attend this very important meeting. We live in this community, and we must do all that we can to protect it. Your issues and concerns are important. If you live 4 to 6 blocks of the proposed site, please come prepared to testify.

A concrete batch plant combines various ingredients to form concrete. Some of these include dirt, sand, road dust, rocks, gravel, and cement. Concerns include:
• Upper Respiratory problems
• Dusty roads
• Air pollution
• Destruction of roads, due to heavy trucks and traffic.
• Noise due to 24 hour operation
• Too close to homes

For more information, please call Christina Jaramillo or Wilma Jordan, in the district office, at 713-776-0505.