Stakeholder Meeting Notice on Capital Project: Fondren Rd. Paving and Drainage – Braeswood to Creekbend

National Night Out 2020 is October 6th!
Although National Night Out 2020 won’t be like past years, we hope to keep the spirit of NNO alive and growing in District K. During the regular session of the City Council meeting on September 23, 2020, Mayor Turner encouraged communities to recognize the 36th Annual National Night Out by conducting virtual activities. Neighborhoods are encouraged to support NNO with the traditional display of outdoor lights on and fun community activities. We will miss visiting the many neighborhood events this year due to COVID-19. Although we may not physically be together, we still want to participate with our civic clubs and HOAs. What creative virtual activities do you have planned? Email us at [email protected] with your event information. We’re still stronger together!

This Week’s Census Highlights
- City of Houston’s response rate is 57.9%. Six districts (A, C, D, E, G, K) have response rates of 60% or greater.
- All districts have response rates above 50%.
- District E leads the way at 65.5%. Tract #340400 has the highest self-response rate at 89.6%.
- Districts I and J have the lowest overall response rates. Tract #432701 in Districts F and J has the lowest response rate of 24%, with 2,000 households still left to respond.
- Westwood and Sharpstown Super Neighborhoods both have the lowest response rate of 45.1% and 46.1% respectively.
- City of Houston lags behind Harris County (61.9%), Texas (62%), and the national average (66.3%). Districts E, K, C, and G are outperforming the State of Texas.
A complete and accurate census supports better funding for disaster and healthcare services. Complete the survey in the safety of your home at www.my2020census.gov or call 844-330-2020 to complete it over the phone. Please share this with your networks.