Happy SPARK Park Dedication
Montgomery Elementary
Although the rain brought our celebration indoors our enthusiasm for the improvements in the Spark Park at Montgomery Elementary was shining through and through. We loved seeing the smiles on the student’s faces as they talked about their school and new safe place to play and make memories with their family and friends. Principal McDaniels and her team are to be commended for the work they do with our students. If you get a chance, check out their new concrete walking trail and sidewalks, mosaic artwork, swings, benches and new trash receptacles. Trees for Houston staff is scheduled to plant 19 trees in the park this planting season to add to the improved outdoor space. Look to see Montgomery Elementary’s Spark Park in next year’s Spark Park calendar. Congratulations!
Have you RSVP’d for the
Texas Property Code Townhall?
Mark your calendar for Saturday, September 25th and prepare to attend this important meeting in partnership with the Law Firm of Rice & Rice and Marshall Management Group, Inc. to discuss the recent changes made by the Texas Legislature to Chapters 202, 207 and 209 of the Texas Property Code that directly affect Homeowners Associations.
The Law Firm of Rice & Rice possess considerable knowledge in this area due in large part to their vast HOA client base across Texas, and the fact that Suzy Rice is the co-author of Chapter 204, and portions of Chapter 209 of the Texas Property Code which pertain to HOAs. This highly informative seminar will cover the Legislative Changes, the Responsibility of Board Members and Interpreting Governing Documents, and it will also provide the attendees with the opportunity to ask questions regarding any legal and management issues that pertain to HOAs.
Breakfast, snacks and handouts will be provided. Please RSVP by sending an email to [email protected] or call 832-393-3016. Knowledge is power; let’s keep working together to protect our neighborhoods.
More District K Improvements!
A Work Authorization has been issued to perform Storm Sewer Improvements along Hiram Clarke Rd. from Knottynold Ln. to Oakside Dr. and along Nuwood Ln. from Knottynold Ln. to Oakside Dr. The project will begin this week and end Tuesday, January 11, 2022. Please drive carefully through the construction area. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us.
Major Projects Coming to
Willow Waterhole Greenway
Vice Mayor Pro Tem Martha Castex-Tatum is keeping the commitment of former CM Larry Green and has allocated $150K for the the paving of Dryad Drive at the Willow Waterhole. It is one of two major projects coming to fruition this year. Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis is also funding 2.5 miles of new trails around Wesbury Lake.
Construction on the trails is expected to start at the end of the year and the Dryad paving project is expected to be completed right before the October 30th MusicFest. There may be closures of Dryad in Septermber and October during construction; alternative parking is available at 11350 Ricecrest. We are looking forward to these improvements!
Houston’s Anti-Litter Campaign is Back
In honor of Houston’s 185th birthday, Vice Mayor Pro-Tem Castex-Tatum is leading the city-wide Anti-Litter Campaign once again. Let’s celebrate the 185th birthday of Houston by picking up the litter in our beloved city. Get your grabber, trash bag and a friend and let’s clean up our communities. Imagine if we each picked up 185 pieces of litter and encouraged business owners to clean up on and around their property. If you or your neighbors need grabbers, reach out to our office and we will get them to you. Send us pictures and post on your neighborhood social media pages and let us see how you are celebrating the185th birthday of Houston. Don’t forget to use our campaign hash tags. Every little bit helps. Don’t let Houston go to Waste! #LitterisTrashy #Happy185thBirthdayHouston #DontTrashtheParty
HPW has Launched New Website
Houston Public Works has launched a new website to assist customers and provide more information about the new rate increase. The new rates will pay for maintenance and critical projects to keep the water & wastewater system operating. Critical projects make the system more resilient to hurricane, freezes and climate change.
Click here for more information: Houston Water Rates website features a tool where customers can calculate how much your utility bill will change with the new rates.
Contact customer account services at 713-371-1400.
Free Virtual Fair Housing Workshop
The City of Houston Housing and Community Development is hosting a workshop on housing provider’s responsibilities under local and federal fair housing for landlords and property managers!
Industry experts will be on hand to address questions and concerns around fair housing, evictions during the COVID-19 era, and other landlord/tenant matters.
The next opportunity to attend the workshop is Wednesday, September 28th at 2pm-4pm. The workshop will be live, giving participants the opportunity to ask specific questions to the panel. Seats are limited and fill up quickly, so sign up today!
Department of Neighborhoods (DON)
Re-launches Complete Communities University
Application Deadline – September 22, 2021
The Department of Neighborhoods (DON) is proud to announce the re-launch of Complete Communities University (CCU), which will offer a quarterly 8-session online training course for emerging leaders committed to making a positive impact in their communities. The CCU program was introduced in 2018 by the Planning and Development Department as part of Mayor Sylvester Turner’s Complete Communities initiative. The program has been revamped by DON, incorporating past topics, adding new leadership training content, and opening participation to residents from all Houston communities.
The first course will run October 6 – December 1, 2021, with a break the week of Thanksgiving. The sessions will be held on Wednesdays from 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. via Microsoft Teams. Interested Houston residents are invited to apply online for enrollment in the course. The application deadline is Wednesday, September 22, 2021. To apply, go to www.houstontx.gov/neighborhoods and click on Complete Communities University. 
For more information, call 832-393-1061
Don’t Forget To Download the
New App – HTX Collects
Houston Solid Waste Management has launched HTX Collects, a mobile app that will allow residents to stay better connected with the City’s waste and recycling collection programs! In addition to giving residents collection day reminders, the mobile app is full of helpful tools!
Morris Frank Library
New Hours
Effective September 8. 2021, the new hours for the Frank Morris Express Library on Fondren will be:
Monday: 10am-6pm
Tuesday: 10am-6pm
Wednesday: 12pm-8pm
Thursday: 10am-6pm
Friday: 1pm -5pm
Sunday: CLOSED
High School Students Encouraged to Apply to Youth Police Advisory Council
The Houston Police Department is inviting Houston area high school students to apply for the 2021-2022 Youth Police Advisory Council (YPAC).Students will address issues affecting youth and the community, participate in community service projects and attend youth leadership conferences throughout the state. Additionally, the YPAC meets regularly with Chief of Police Troy Finner and other top HPD officials.
YPAC members are required to meet five times during the school year at the HPD Edward A. Thomas Building at 1200 Travis in downtown Houston.
Applications are available online at www.houstontx.gov/police/vip/images/ypac-app.pdf  The deadline to apply is Monday, October 1, 2021.
For more information on YPAC, visit www.houstontx.gov/police/vip/ypac.htm, email rhonda.holmes@houstonpolice.org or call 713-308-3200.
Is Your Neighborhood Celebrating NNO?
National Night Out is October 5, 2021. If your community is planning a National Night Out event, be sure to contact the District K office so that we can attend and acknowledge the event. Contact Joe Gatson via email [email protected] or phone (832) 393-3016.
Congratulations Brandi Harleaux
District K Resident and Business Owner!
Vaccines Available
Free COVID-19 vaccinations are available all over the Houston area. The schedule is available on the
vaccine page of HoustonEmergency.org/covid19.
