City of Houston Homeless Count Greetings District K Neighbors,
Next week, on January 28th, 29th and 30th, , the City of Houston, Coalition for the Homeless and many other homeless service providers, professional outreach teams and community volunteers will be canvassing the Houston region to count and survey every homeless individual residing on the streets. Known as the annual “Point in Time (PIT) Count,” it is effectively a homeless census and survey mandated by the federal government for communities receiving federal homeless funding. This Count helps determine the size of our region’s homeless population, as well as the general level of need across the community. The Count also helps evaluate our efforts and inform strategies to reduce homelessness in the greater Houston area.
I invite all District K Neighbors to participate in this very important volunteer opportunity. Volunteers are still needed for Day 2 (January 29th) and Day 3 (January 30th) which covers the Fort Bend area of District K.
Please register by clicking on the following link:
All volunteers must register by noon on this Friday, January 24th.
Please note the areas of Houston being canvassed on each day. For your reference, the District K team will participate on days one and three, as these areas include our neighborhoods.
- Tuesday, January 28: Inside the 610 Loop (District K)
- Wednesday, January 29: Harris County outside of the 610 Loop, east of Hardy Toll Road and Highway 288; and Montgomery County, east of I-45
- Thursday, January 30: Harris County outside of the 610 Loop, west of Hardy Toll Road and Highway 288; Montgomery County west of I-45; and all of Fort Bend County (District K)
It is not required for volunteers to commit to volunteering across the entire three-day period.
For more information on Count & Survey, please click-on the previously included link (and be sure to visit the FAQ tab for answers to any logistical questions). If you have questions not answered in the FAQ tab, please contact Ana Rausch with the Coalition for the homeless: or 832-531-6005.