A Message from Office of Emergency Management
Hurricane Preparedness
The Office of Emergency Management monitors major incidents, crisis events, and weather incidents each and every day.
While we are actively involved in the fight against COVID-19, we have also started planning for potential flooding situations and the upcoming hurricane season.
We encourage everybody to download our Disaster Preparedness Guide
- www.HoustonOEM.org
- Available in six languages (English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese, Arabic, and French)
- It has preparedness check lists to assist
- It is important to Make a Plan, Build a Kit, Stay Informed, and Know your Neighbors
- Sign up for AlertHouston.org to receive our emergency alerts
We realize that due to COVID-19 some of our procedures are likely to change until restrictions are no longer needed:
- People on Evacuation buses will have to be separated by distance thus requiring more buses
- People requiring rescues may be required to wear surgical masks so they do not expose First Responders
- First Responders will likely be wearing gloves and masks
- The number of people in shelters is likely to be reduced due to six-foot restrictions between cots. The Red Cross and other shelters are already doing this.
- If we are still in a crisis, the number of volunteers is likely to less than normal
Our regular Storm and Hurricane procedures will remain in place:
- The National Weather Service will provide us with updated information
- The Office of Emergency Management will coordinate resources needed and push out emergency information
- The Houston Fire Department and the Houston Police Department stand ready to deploy high water rescue vehicles and boats
- Public Works is ready to deploy barricades at high water locations
- All other City Departments stand ready to assist as needed
Protest Deadline Is May 15 For
Property In Harris County
Houston — Harris County property owners who believe there is an error in the market value set by the appraisal district have until Friday, May 15 to protest the value of their property.
Some property owners may not have received their value notice yet. If that is the case, they will still have 30 days to file their protest, and that later protest deadline will be printed on their value notice.
Chief Appraiser Roland Altinger encouraged property owners to use the appraisal district’s online options for filing and settling a protest.
“Using iFile to submit your protest and then selecting iSettle is the quickest and easiest way to file and resolve your protest without having to appear at HCAD’s offices, especially this year in light of the COVID-19 pandemic,” Altinger said. “With iSettle, you can submit electronic documentation to support your opinion of value, and an appraiser will review it. If the appraiser responds with a new value and you accept, you’re protest is done for the year.”
Altinger noted that unique iFile numbers are printed on the face of the 2020 value notices near the property account number in the upper right. For security reasons, the iFile system cannot be used for filing a protest without this iFile number unless the property owner has an existing electronic owners account.
Owners who have misplaced their value notice can use HCAD’s free mobile app to quickly retrieve their iFile number by scanning their Texas driver’s license. The name and address on the license must match the property address in the HCAD system.
Property owners who have opted in to iSettle may choose to upload evidence through the owner’s website. Property owners will have five days to submit their documentation, such as a closing statement, repair estimates, comparable sales information, deeds or photos, electronically from the date they filed their protest online. Questions concerning iSettle may be directed to [email protected].
If a settlement through the online system isn’t possible once HCAD makes an offer, the homeowner will be scheduled for a hearing with the Appraisal Review Board. A video explaining how to file an online protest and use the residential iSettle system is available on the district’s website at www.hcad.org under the HELP heading.
“HCAD must operate under the guidelines and deadlines set out in the state Tax Code, so we do not have the flexibility to change the protest deadline despite the closures and social distancing caused by the pandemic,” Altinger said.
The chief appraiser also reminded property owners that they are protesting the market value of their property, and that value is based on their property’s condition on Jan. 1, 2020. Any value changes caused by an economic downturn from the pandemic would be reflected in the value on Jan 1, 2021.
“The purpose of the appraisal is to allocate the tax burden fairly among all owners of taxable property,” Altinger said. “The actual amount of tax due is determined by the tax rate set in the fall by the governing body of each jurisdiction such as county, city, school district or MUD. The appraisal district has no involvement in the rate setting process.”
For those property owners who do not want to file their protest electronically, a green protest form is included in the property value notice HCAD is sending to each property owner. A Notice of Protest form may be downloaded from the district’s web site at www.hcad.org under the FORMS heading. Protests may be brought to HCAD’s office at 13013 Northwest Freeway, or mailed to P.O. Box 922004, Houston, TX 77292-2004, but must be postmarked by May 15.
Business personal property and some real property accounts may have later protest deadlines. If a later deadline applies to a particular account, the property owner will be mailed an official HCAD value notice on which the later protest deadline will be listed.
If you have any questions concerning protesting your market value, please call the appraisal district’s information center at 713.957.7800 or email [email protected].

Food Distribution Reminder
The Windsor Village Church Family partners with the City of Houston and Houston Food Bank at The Power Center to deliver fresh produce (fruits and vegetables) to our community in District K. If you know of a family in need, please share.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
3:00 pm – 6:00 pm
@ The Power Center Parking Lot
12401 S. Post Oak Road
Houston, TX 77085
This distribution site will serve the community weekly through May 30th on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm.
Volunteers are needed! If you are available to volunteer sign up here. The Food Bank has requested volunteers work in one of 2 shifts: sorting (9:00 am – 2:00 pm) and distribution (2:00 pm – 6:00pm).
“No one can do everything,
but everyone can do something!”