We Need Your Input on 50/50 Park Partners Improvements to Simon Minchen Park!

Houston Parks Board – You are invited to attend a Community Listening Session about Simon Minchen Park (4900 W. Fuqua, Houston, TX 77045; the park is adjacent to MADCO). The Community Listening Session will be on Wednesday, December 1st, at 6:30 PM and virtual via Zoom.
Simon Minchen Park is part of Mayor Turner’s 50/50 Park Partners initiative. Led by the Office of the Mayor, Houston Parks & Recreation Department, Greater Houston Partnership, and Houston Parks Board, 50/50 Park Partners is improving Houston’s neighborhoods, one park at a time.
The heart of 50/50 Park Partners is the creation of long-term relationships for sustained impact between businesses, communities, and parks, improving the quality of life for Houstonians for decades to come.
During the listening session, we will discuss the existing conditions of the park, future safety improvements, and hope to hear the community’s priorities for this park. 
To register, please visit our Community Listening Sessions page and click “Simon Minchen Park Community Listening Session.” 
Interpreters will be present to provide Spanish interpretation. 
Questions? Email [email protected].