District K Residents,

As we begin to discuss the path to open the city of Houston and what relief and recovery plans are needed, we must continue to protect ourselves from COVID-19. Monday, Mayor Turner named former Shell Oil Co. Chairman and President, Marvin Odum as the city’s COVID-19 Relief and Recovery Czar. You may remember Marvin Odum from his role as our Chief Recovery Officer after Hurricane Harvey.

In this role, Odum will work with business leaders, chambers of commerce, employee groups, and nonprofit organizations on a plan to safely and responsibly restart Houston’s economy. Odum will also work on strategies to address the challenges faced by the city’s vulnerable and at-risk populations, develop a plan to avoid the resurgence of community spread, and help the city prepare for a future pandemic or viral attack. He will work alongside County Judge Lina Hidalgo’s recovery czar, State Representative Armando Walle. Odum and Walle will join each of us in working to handle the enormous effort to ensure the Houston region recovers from this economic crisis.

Yesterday the Houston Health Department reported 27 new positive cases for a total of 2,975 cases in Houston. For the third day in a row, there are 0 new deaths to report. We are trending in a good direction however this is not the time to drop our guard. We must continue working together to protect each other. Thank you for adhering to the StayHome-WorkSmart order, practicing social distancing, washing your hands and wearing your face coverings. The sacrifices we are making are saving lives. We are continuing to test Houstonians and listening to the medical professionals as we move forward to get this virus under control.

Overcoming a global pandemic requires working together! As always, if you have any concerns or questions please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

Stay safe and healthy!


Food Distribution Site Grand Opening is Today!

The Windsor Village Church Family partners with the City of Houston and Houston Food Bank at The Power Center to deliver fresh produce (fruits and vegetables) to our community in District K. If you know of a family in need, please share.

Thursday, April 23rd
3:00 pm – 6:00 pm
@ The Power Center Parking Lot
12401 S. Post Oak Road
Houston, TX 77085

After opening day, this distribution site will serve the community weekly through May 30th on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm.

Volunteers are needed! If you are available to volunteer sign up here. The Food Bank has requested volunteers work in one of 2 shifts: sorting (9:00 am – 2:00 pm) and distribution (2:00 pm – 6:00pm). Hope you can help make the grand opening of this new location outstanding. See you there. Stay healthy and safe!

Cloth Face Coverings/Masks

The CDC recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies) especially in areas of significant community-based spread. These face coverings are to protect others. Unfortunately this virus does not have a play book. An individual can look and feel fine but still be a carrier of COVID-19. Because you can be asymptomatic and spread this virus, these face covering are an added layer of protection for you and me. The N-95 respirator masks are critical supplies that should be reserved for heatlhcare professionals and other first responders.

Yesterday, Judge Lina Hidalgo issued an order requiring residents to cover their faces in public. This is an additional action to slow the spread of the novel coronovirus. Residents 10 and older are asked to cover their nose and mouth when outside the home at all times except when exercising, eating or drinking; the exceptions also include when individuals are alone, at home with roommates or family, or when wearing a mask poses greater risk to security, mental or physical health. The order is effective Monday, April 27th and will last 30 days.

I will have face coverings for distribution this weekend for residents that may need them. I’ll send out a message when I receive them with instructions for retrieval. Stay encouraged!