Solid Waste Service Update
Greetings District K Neighbors!
I hope everyone is preparing to enjoy time with family, friends and neighbors during the upcoming Labor Day Holiday! I look forward to seeing your celebratory photos on social media. Please remember the City of Houston and District K offices will be closed and there will be no City of Houston trash collection on Monday.
Use the below link to view the City of Houston Solid Waste holiday trash schedule.
Please continue to report non-emergency concerns to 311-Houston and email the service request number to [email protected]. We will respond to all requests upon return to the office on Tuesday, September 3, 2019.
Council Member
Martha Castex-Tatum
National Night Out 2019
Tuesday, October 1st, 2019
Please email Joe Gatson – [email protected] to share the details of your National Night Out Celebration if you would like to have a District K staff member attend. We have already received some invitations but given the traditional levels of participation, we know more neighborhoods will host a Night Out gathering.
We look forward to visiting with you on October 1st and spotlighting your Night Out with neighbors.
ENGAGE* LEARN* LEAD: Neighborhood 101 and Tentative Schedule
Our June Neighborhood 101 was an informative seminar discussing City of Houston Municipal Code Chapter 19 and what you need to know if you are considering a home elevation. It’s important for Houstonians to know their risks and how to help ensure we reduce flood risks as we continue to grow as a city.
If you were not able to attend this workshop or the previous workshops (listed below) but would like a copy of the video, please contact our office and we will be sure to share the footage with you.
Saturday. September 28, 2019 (date change)
Java Talk – A morning with City of Houston Departmental Representatives
If you have topics that you would like to know more about, please email our office and we will work to implement your suggestions into our future 101 meetings.