Homer ClarkThe great thing about a brand new calendar year is that it gives you a renewed sense of purpose and the energy to continue with advancements made in the year that just ended. I see 2014 as exactly that kind of opportunity for the Five Corners District: a chance to continue building on the great foundation we’ve already laid.

We hope that you, the residents and business community, have taken note of some of the improvements made within the last year. We now have a very attractive, functional, and informative website in place where you can go to access board and committee reports or see what’s coming up on the calendar.

Our community will soon benefit from the public’s exposure to a new Five Corners logo and signage that will be visible throughout the District. This Environmental Design Master Plan, developed by the planning and urban design firm of Asakura Robinson, will help create a unique identity for our equally unique community, marking gateways and major thoroughfares.

To enhance public safety, we’ve contracted with SEAL Security Services. Already, they’re doing an excellent job establishing their presence in the neighborhoods that need the most attention and interacting with businesses to create a rapport between the District and the community. Having this additional public safety support reinforces the law enforcement work of the Houston Police Department, creating an environment of greater security.

With our advantageous location near the Texas Medical Center and Beltway 8, the Five Corners District is positioning itself to welcome economic development opportunities that are destined to come. It will take some time to forge the relationships to attract new industry and development, but we are taking all the necessary first steps by improving the community to help make this happen.

We’re also taking a proactive approach with the projects where we can have an immediate impact, as opposed to waiting for things to happen, and we’re hoping to have your support in the process.

Here’s hoping that your New Year has gotten off to a great start!