As we move into the holiday season, let us remember the reason for the season.

Thanksgiving is not just a day to eat turkey and pie. We must remember that it is a day of thanks. Think of all the things in 2014 that you are thankful for. You may not have received everything that you wanted. There is a difference between wants and needs. Did you receive everything that you really needed? There are little things that you might have forgotten or thought were not important. Take time to review the year and find things that you can be thankful this Thanksgiving.

The South Houston Concerned Citizens’ Coalition is thankful to all its member civic clubs and homeowners associations. Without you, we could not have had the accomplishments of 2014. When we work together, we can accomplish much. We will continue to keep you informed about the issues that affect the Hiram Clarke community.

Until next month,
President of the South Houston Concerned Citizen’s Coalition