The owner of Westbury Square was ordered by the City of Houston to demolish the remaining dilapidated structures that were once a part of this vibrant shopping center.

Cindy Chapman, Director and Past-President of the Westbury Civic Club, notes “The Westbury community has been frustrated for years about the condition of these neglected buildings. We thank Council Member Larry Green, Mayor Annise Parker, the City of Houston Legal Department, and the many people in the City who have steadfastly and doggedly pursued this problem for years. We are hopeful that these improvements will be a catalyst for change since Westbury Square faces a major thoroughfare in a stable neighborhood. Our residents are eager to have more options nearby for dining and retail.”

Despite the decline of Westbury Square over the years, Council Member Green commends the Westbury community for staying the course and fighting for the vibrancy of their community. “This is indeed a great victory for Westbury residents”, said Councilmember Larry Green. “In past years, Westbury Square was the commercial anchor of the Westbury community. Now that demolition has occurred, we hope to regain this once vibrant commercial node and transform it into an exciting commercial center of commerce filled with quality retail development.”