Commissioner Ellis would like to invite you to the upcoming Harris County Precinct One Southwest Regional Stakeholder’s Meeting on Thursday. April 14, 2022 at 6:30pm via MS Teams. Quarterly Stakeholder Meetings grant us the opportunity to gather committed and influential community leaders for a meaningful exchange of information and ideas. We hope you can attend so that we may hear your feedback, and offer updates and info for you to share in your respective neighborhoods, organizations, and networks.

Below is the tentative agenda, and at the end of this email you will see the Virtual Meeting details. I will open the floor for community announcements. If you have any items you would like included on the agenda or community  announcements, please let me know.

If you know of key community stakeholders that should also be included in this meeting, please let me know so that I can share the invitation personally. Please see the attached calendar invite to add to your calendar.



  1. Welcome 
  1. Introductions & Icebreaker
  1. 1st Quarter Recap
    1. Commissioner’s Court Updates
    2. Harris County COVID-19 Threat Level
  2. Harris County Updates
    1. Economic Equity/Opportunities
    2. Elections
  1. Precinct One Regional Updates 
    1. Capital Improvement Project Updates
  2. Stakeholder Feedback and Community Announcements 


Microsoft Teams meeting
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+1 281-985-1862,,466060117#   United States, Houston
Phone Conference ID: 466 060 117#
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Edidiong Chrys Obot
Community Engagement Coordinator
Commissioner Rodney Ellis
Harris County Precinct One

  1. 713.437.2694
  2. 346.286.1928

[email protected]