The 2020 Census Response Rate

Congratulations District K residents! Our first weekly city council planning report after the official census date of April 1, 2020 shows us leading the way. District K currently has a 39% response rate, which is the highest of all Houston City Council districts but lagging behind the national average of 41.3% for this same time frame. Districts K, E, D, C and G are currently outperforming the rest of the State of Texas as well.

We still have work to do to make sure every District K resident is counted. I need your help. As you are face-timing, conference calling, video conferencing, texting or talking to your family members, co-workers, neighbors and friends, please encourage them to fill out their census forms if they have not done so.

Every 10 years, the census counts how many people are in our community to decide how much federal funding and representation we should receive. Households have begun receiving invitations in the mail to take the census. The census is only 9 responses and takes about 10 minutes to complete. It is available in 13 languages and can be completed by phone, by mail, or online. Your responses are completely confidential.

A complete and accurate census count is critical for our community. Census results show where communities need new schools, clinics, roads and other services benefiting families, older adults and children. They help decide federal funding for disaster recovery, mental health services, medical benefits programs, education programs and much more. When you’re counted in the census, you’re helping to build a better community.

Visit to learn more or call 844-330-2020 to complete over the phone. Say YES to the Census 2020. We ALL deserve to be counted!

Stay healthy and safe.
